POLL - Do You Grocery Shop at a Small(er) Business?
maxine in ri wrote:
> Depends on how much disposable income you have. I get the impression
> that the majority of posters here are comfortably situated and can
> make the choice of either cheap or local and not be in danger of
> losing their house. I do have friends who make that sort of
> decision regularly.
I am comfortable enough. I don't have to count my pennies when I go
shopping, but I find that some of the small, local grocery stores are
better value. As mentioned in a previous post, one family run business
has the best prices around for chicken. It is always cheaper, and often
has even better sale prices. AAMOF fact, I have to make a trip to the
dump today and wills top there on the way back and pick up some chicken.
My local family run butcher store has limited selection, but great
quality and low prices. I go there especially for their bacon. It is the
best I have ever tasted, and it is a lot cheaper than the grocery stores.
Major grocery store chains are heavy into marketing. They have loss
leaders and sales on stuff I don't usually get. Some have lower prices
on some things but higher prices on others. I have to keep track of
which has what I want and their relative prices. I confess to be an
impulsive shopper and if I go to different stores to take advantage of
their lower prices on some items I will just end up buying a lot
more...and spending a lot more.