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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default rfc "Fag Tagging"

On Thu, 15 Oct 2009 23:51:47 -0400, Bob Muncie wrote:

> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Oct 2009 15:49:03 -0400, brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> Bob Muncie wrote:
>>>> Lynn from Fargo wrote:
>>>>> Excuse me, friends. As a former mental health worker, I feel bound to
>>>>> tell you.
>>>> Hi Lynn - I'm not sure where I fit. I like Andy. I did not post anything
>>>> inflammatory on this thread. And yet you chose my response as a point to
>>>> "jump in".
>>>> Since I was not being negative, can you explain that please?
>>>> Bob
>>> You appeared the least intimidating.
>>> Lynn seems to be the one obsessed, check out all her superfluous
>>> commas... I just know a shrink would have plenty to say about a
>>> chick's appetite who inserts all those dangling penises... Lynn is
>>> attempting to drive all the competion away from Andy, obviously she
>>> wants him. LOL
>>> And I can assure all that there is nothing amiss with Andy's
>>> personality, there is nothing psychotic about defending oneself. Andy
>>> is one of the better posters, he's entertaining, he keeps his posts
>>> brief and to the point, and most importantly he's believeable... Andy
>>> doesn't post pretentious BS. And he does a great job trimming the
>>> attributions that all the slobs leave in their wake. Andy is neat and
>>> clean, a quiet man with great depth of character and sensitivity, I
>>> can certainly understand why Lynn wants him. Hey, Lynn, with all his
>>> congeneality if you don't take him I will.... but you have first dibs.
>>> hehe

>> yep, andy, bob muncie and sheldon are three poster children for mental
>> health. there's nothing like maintaining an even keel from one post to
>> another.
>> blake

> And of course you add value where ever you go... small pond and all that.
> Isn't it time you post something about food for a change?
> Bob

o.k., how's this? eat me.
