rfc "Fag Tagging"
On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 10:06:26 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>blake murphy wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Oct 2009 17:52:33 -0400, Jean B. wrote:
>>> blake murphy wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 13 Oct 2009 12:04:24 -0700, Dan Abel wrote:
>>>>> In article >,
>>>>> "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
>>>>>> Andy > : in
>>>>>> rec.food.cooking
>>>>>>> It's sad to read the Goombas and the Abels and the Sqwertz and the
>>>>>>> Boatwrights, Cyber.*, etc. etc., post about others and collectively
>>>>>>> cheerlead themselves to their 100 or so, so-called friends, while the
>>>>>>> rest of the world watches.
>>>>>>> I call it "fag tagging."
>>>>> Interesting choice of phrase. Does it have any meaning?
>>>>>>> You're all so typically uninspiring.
>>>>> I don't know about the rest of them, but I'm usually considered a pretty
>>>>> boring person.
>>>>>>> I don't require the "fag tag" moral support you strive on!
>>>>> Still doesn't make sense.
>>>>>> WTF are you talking about Andy?
>>>>> I think he's feeling picked on. I think we should give the guy a
>>>>> chance, frankly. Up until yesterday, I thought he was doing much
>>>>> better. I even changed my killfile entry so it will go away at some
>>>>> point.
>>>>> I don't think we should pick on him so much...unless he really deserves
>>>>> it.
>>>>> After all, nobody here would make fun of somebody because they were in a
>>>>> wheelchair due to a double amputation.
>>>>> :-(
>>>> the funny part is that he thinks it somehow hurts me. it just makes him
>>>> look like the idiot he is.
>>>> your pal,
>>>> blake
>>> Alas, that is true. I finally KF'd him during his last (or was it
>>> the time before) go-around with you. I agree with Wayne, though.
>>> It would be so nice to have a newsreader that could KF based on
>>> content. OTOH, I wouldn't see your retorts, which do make me laugh.
>> thanks, toots. it shows that even a chancre like andy is part of god's
>> great plan.
>> your pal,
>> blake
Folks who announce their personal dilemmas, especially medical, in
public venues such as usenet where they intend to maintain their
presence with others are purely trolling for pity and/or any and all
recognition they can trawl in. For the mick even being unmercifully
teased is far better than being ignored, obviously. The mick asked
for what he got, in fact begged... the hosieryless wonder owes Andy a
big fat Thankew for all the press. The mick contributes absolutely
nothing on topic, other than for constant comment of his diabledmness
he serves no purpose, he should kiss all our butts for tolerating his
useless/clueless acerbic pressence. But still the mick's public boast
of his leglessness pales in contrast to all those pinheaded weenies
who think people who gather to discuss food need to know that they are
homos... that while the rest are debating canned peaches they need us
to be aware that are malingering over cocksucking and buttplugging...
I mean like for what other purpose than to prove unequvicably that
faggotness is a medical dilemma, a MENTAL DISORDER, and not just an
ordinary sundry mental disability like say bi-polar, but a mental
illness highly indicative of other very serious derangements right up
there with child molester and serial murderer... I know there are
those who make light of the issue by engaging in jovial discussion and
or visiting that river in Egypt, denial... but that's only because
they are so dreadfully fearful of what they know in their very depths
to be the real truth of the matter... where there's smoke there's
I can't imagine any *** person really wanting the US military to
abolish the "Don't ask, don't tell" law, not unless they have a death
wish... more proof of mental illness.