Thread: Bananas...
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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default Bananas...

George Shirley wrote:

> ChattyCathy wrote:

>> So where do you store your bananas? Fridge, cupboard or what?

> On a special banana holder on the kitchen counter. If they start
> turning black they get tossed in the freezer and are used later to
> make banana bread. When I say tossed, I mean just that, hide, hair,
> skin and all, no wrapping, no sacks.

I keep meaning to do that - but I have chickens in my back yard... They
just *love* overripe bananas and they produce lots of lovely fresh eggs
so I slice the bananas up (skin and all) and give it to them as a

As to where I store bananas; my kitchen has one of those elevated MW
shelves built-in with the rest of the cupboards. However, my MW is too
big to fit on said shelf, so it gets used as a fruit storage bay
instead. Hey, at least we found a good use for it.
Chatty Cathy