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Dan Abel Dan Abel is offline
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Default Is Bravo TV's Top Chef show prostituting itself?

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"Ostap S. B. M. Bender Jr." > wrote:

> On Oct 15, 6:11*am, Cindy Hamilton >

> This is a reality show. Competitors are supposed to act REAL. If the
> sponsor were, say, Haagen Dasz, I can accept seeing world-class chefs
> cooing: "I love it!". But if it is total filth and the chefs are
> saying: "This is great!" - I know that this i sno longer reality, this
> is acting.
> That's what bothers me: the departure from REALITY.

Time to take a class: Television 101. Often, tv shows are the opposite
of what they say. Reality shows are designed to take you *away* from
reality. They have *nothing* to do with reality, other than make it a

And not only are the actors acting, they are often pretty bad actors.
That seems to be part of the attraction. Some of the viewers are
certainly thinking, "Hey, even *I* could do better that that!".

> > I'd say that television is the pimp and the viewer is the prostitute.
> >

> So, anybody, who watches TV of any form, is a prostitute?!

I don't agree. I think the executives, producers and directors are the
pimps, the actors (in this case cooks) are the prostitutes and the
viewers are the customers.

Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA