ChattyCathy wrote:
> Something Michael mentioned in another thread made me think about this.
> I've don't keep my bananas in the fridge, because I've always found that
> they go 'yukky' far too quickly... So I did some googling and some
> sources say that if they're still green it's not a bad idea. Apparently
> the skin will still blacken, but the fruit itself keeps fine. Hmmm. So
> I thought I'd ask the group about this.
> So where do you store your bananas? Fridge, cupboard or what?
On the counter, in a fruit bowl.
But, the real question is, how do you EAT a banana.
My husband peels his his from the bottom not from the stem end. He
says that's the handle. Really.
Randomly, not too long ago, I overheard some students talking about
this very same thing, maybe it's a non US thing? He's from Morocco....