James Silverton wrote:
> Default wrote on 16 Oct 2009 20:36:42 GMT:
> > Wild bananas look like:
> > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:In...-type_banana.j
> > pg>
> > Small, pithy, and full of hard seeds.
> Careful, the monoclonal bananas that we eat are endangered simply
> because they don't evolve easily. There are a variety of other
> bananas available in tropical regions and they are not all small,
> pithy and seedy. I nostalgically remember the red bananas I had in
> Hawaii.
Those aren't wild ones though, just different cultivars of domesticated
bananas. The ones we typically get (Cavendish) were bred to transport
Day 256 of the "no grouchy usenet posts" project