POLL - Do You Grocery Shop at a Small(er) Business?
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Stan Horwitz
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Posts: 1,205
POLL - Do You Grocery Shop at a Small(er) Business?
In article >,
(jj) wrote:
> I'm curious how many of you regularly shop at a small(er)/non-chain
> grocery store for "staple" food items?
> By small, how about we say this means the grocery business only has
> locations in your city/town. (so no regional chains)
> Could you also mention where in the world you live?
> Alas, I am stuck with chain stores here in Las Vegas, NV. About 2
> decades ago when I lived in Davis Sq, Somerville, MA there was a
> produce shop and a butcher shop just a few blocks away. The produce
> shop was slightly more expensive than the chains but the quality was
> also better. The owner often ran the register and knew his regulars.
> The butcher shop was actually cheaper than the chains, the quality
> about the same and the variety better. I'm not sure if the owner was
> onsite.
In my area, there are only two locally owned grocery stores. One is in
an area where I rarely go. The other is only a mile from me, near the
train station, but every time I go there, its closed. For example, one
day after work last week, I dropped off a colleague who lives near that
little store. I figured I would go in and pick up something for dinner.
No such luck. It was closed already for the day and I was there shortly
before 6:00pm. So I ended up picking up a sandwich at a 24 hour
convenience store a half block away. For 90% of the groceries I buy, I
end up shopping at Wegmans.
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Stan Horwitz
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