Is Bravo TV's Top Chef show prostituting itself?
On Oct 19, 2:00*pm, Dan Abel > wrote:
> In article
> >,
> *Cindy Hamilton > wrote:
> > On Oct 16, 7:36*am, "Ostap S. B. M. Bender Jr."
> > > wrote:
> > > I don't mind commercials one bit. The producers need to get paid. I
> > > fast forward through them anyway.
> > > It is product placement that irritates me. And not so much product
> > > palcement, but the fact that the chefs had to lie to the camera how
> > > much they "love" this crap.
> If the chefs had participated in a recorded commercial, they just would
> have had to lie there. *What's the big difference?
> > Product placements are just another form of commercials.
> > > This is a reality show. Competitors are supposed to act REAL. If the
> > > sponsor were, say, Haagen Dasz, I can accept seeing world-class chefs
> > > cooing: "I love it!". *But if it is total filth and the chefs are
> > > saying: "This is great!" - I know that this i sno longer reality, this
> > > is acting.
> > > That's what bothers me: the departure from REALITY.
> > It's not reality; it's television. *Reality is what happens when the
> > cameras
> > are not running.
> > Perhaps you should shut off your television and try some reality for a
> > change.
> For some people, tv *is* the reality. *They are continually surprised
> when they find that reality and tv aren't the same.
> I've already given my rant about tv "reality" shows. *There's a group on
> the street corner, arguing about which way to go. *Finally, at the very
> last minute, they agree on a direction. *When they get there, the
> cameras are already set up and running, and the lights are on. *Of
> course, the cameras and lights aren't visible, after all, the group
> *just* decided to go there, so having the cameras and lights visible
> would give the lie to it.
> On a cooking show, things are different. *There are no surprises as to
> where they are "going". *Or are there? *What about the "secret
> ingredient" on Iron Chef? *It's disclosed, and the participants run to
> get their ingredients and equipment. *Those fresh hibiscus flowers that
> one contestant needs are right there in the fridge. *They were picked
> that morning in Mexico and flown 1000 miles to the studio. *Just like
> they ordered.
To me, the funniest thing is how these chefs and their assistants
start making the 5 dishes immediately upon "hearing" the ingredient.
They don't stop even for a second to decide what eleborate dishes they
want to make and how. And the chefs don't even have to tell the
assistants about their dishes - they know from telepathy. :-)