Straightarrow wrote:
> On Oct 20, 10:49 pm, duckstandard > wrote:
>> duckstandard wrote:
>>> US Congress votes to allow Guantanamo transfers to US
>>> (AFP) – 5 hours ago
>> And to add, bring em here to Florence Colorado, we have a Democrat
>> Denver Mayor and a Democrat Colorado governor. A functional gas
>> chamber for the death penalty that I had an opportunity to sit in. We
>> have a completely dysfunctional Republican party that it's politicans
>> only come out of the woodwork to try scare the people by saying you
>> vote Democrat you will have terrorists in your back yard, and other
>> scumbag political tactics. Bring em on, let the justice system sort em
>> out.
>> Oh and by the way you pathetic right wingers, they will not be
>> released in this country. Never would have been, so go jack each other
>> off or something, go ride a horse, just get out of the
>> way.
> What makes you think they won't be released on American soil?? WTF do
> you base that assumption on?? All it takes is one far left kook
> liberal judge to make the decision.
The "court of public opinion". The american sheeple are too afraid of
teh big bad skawey terraists to let them out of custody, despite any
findings from judicial proceedings.
We rounded up a shitload of brown people and labeled them and made
ourselves feel better for a while thinking we'd solved a problem, and
simultaneously created several others.
****ing brilliant as usual.
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