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Really good cardamom cookies
Mike Van Pelt wrote:
> I decided to make these cookies for a bake sale at work,
> starting with this recipe:
> Someone bought one of the cookies, then a few minutes later
> came back and bought all that were left.
> This week, we had another bake sale, and I made a triple
> recipe. All but one of the cookies were gone by the end of
> the day, and I got a lot of comments about them.
> In the dough, I used the seeds from about 12 cardamom pods that
> I got at an Indian grocery, freshly ground, instead of the
> expensive flavorless grocery store pre-ground stuff. (This is a
> lot less cardamom than the recipe calls for, but it calls for
> the grocery store stuff. Some time ago, I made them with as much
> freshly ground as the recipe calls for, and it was way too much.)
> I used 6 pods or so in the powdered sugar, and then sprinkled
> all the remaining over the hot cookies when I took them out of
> the oven. (I'm not sure what the point of just dipping the
> glass in the powdered sugar mixture is; almost none sticks to
> the glass, and most of it would go to waste otherwise.)
> A #50 disher is perfect to get 24 or 25 cookies out of
> one recipe.
Those sound terrific!
Jean B.