Last meal
On Oct 21, 8:35�pm, Chemiker > wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Oct 2009 16:29:46 +0200, "ViLco" >
> wrote:
> >PeterL wrote:
> >>> Humoungous pile of shrimp cooked the way I prefer it (saute'd in
> >>> butter, olive oil, dill weed, lemon pepper and a little garlic
> >>> powder) and a well seared rare rib eye steak.
> >> You get full marks for the food.
If I was going to die in Texas or Louisiana (you imply on death row,
so I hope I had some fun) I would definately go for Chicken and
Sausage Gumbo, Shrimp Po-Boy, Boudain balls and crab cakes with some
sort of prline cheesecake for dessert.