Omelet > wrote in
> In article >,
> Chemiker > wrote:
>> On Wed, 21 Oct 2009 16:29:46 +0200, "ViLco" >
>> wrote:
>> >PeterL wrote:
>> >
>> >>> Humoungous pile of shrimp cooked the way I prefer it (saute'd in
>> >>> butter, olive oil, dill weed, lemon pepper and a little garlic
>> >>> powder) and a well seared rare rib eye steak.
>> >
>> >> You get full marks for the food.
>> >
>> >>> Washed down with a bottle of Lambrusco!
>> >
>> >> But I'd have to kill you for the wine choice ;-P
>> >
>> >Hey, keep quiet, three lambrusco wines have just made they fresh new
>> >entry at the top rank in 2 of the most important italian wine guides:
>> >
>> {Lambrusco adulation snipped}
>> OK, but if you're going to pollute shrimp and ribeye with Lambrusco,
>> why not muscatel or Dr. Pepper?
>> Alex, curious
> There is always Ouzo. <g>
OK, Muscat and Ouzo :-)
Peter Lucas
If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?