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Posted to sci.agriculture,soc.culture.usa,alt.politics.radical-left,,alt.politics.libertarian
Dänk 1010011010 Dänk 1010011010 is offline
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Posts: 1
Default Corporate agriculture sucks...

I'm an American who is visiting Serbia, and though it may seem a bit
backwards at times, the food is excellent.

All food seems to be locally grown, and Serbian farms are small
independent operations, unlike the corporate megafarms in America.

As a result, the food is extremely fresh and so much flavorful than
the genetically-engineered, chemically-fertilized, hormone-injected
stuff we eat in the United States.

At first I thought the prices seemed a bit high, but that is because
small farms lack the 'efficiency' of megafarms. The higher (actually
still lower than U.S.) price includes QUALITY, something that American
megafarms have lost in the race for maximum production.

Unfortunately, Serbia is trying to 'modernize,' and this means that
soon its agricultural industry will be destroyed as Mosanto, ADM, and
Wal-Mart take over the country.

Serbia might join the EU eventually, but EU regulations impose strict
regulations on agricultural operations. For example, the EU requires
that all dairy farms have a minimum of 40 cows, which conflicts with
Serbian herd sizes of about a dozen.

I suspect that in about ten years all Serbian food will be produced by
Mosanto, and become as tasteless and unhealthy as U.S. 'food.'