Corporate agriculture sucks...
On Oct 22, 6:58*am, Dänk 1010011010 > wrote:
> I'm an American who is visiting Serbia, and though it may seem a bit
> backwards at times, the food is excellent.
> All food seems to be locally grown, and Serbian farms are small
> independent operations, unlike the corporate megafarms in America.
> As a result, the food is extremely fresh and so much flavorful than
> the genetically-engineered, chemically-fertilized, hormone-injected
> stuff we eat in the United States.
> At first I thought the prices seemed a bit high, but that is because
> small farms lack the 'efficiency' of megafarms. *The higher (actually
> still lower than U.S.) price includes QUALITY, something that American
> megafarms have lost in the race for maximum production.
> Unfortunately, Serbia is trying to 'modernize,' and this means that
> soon its agricultural industry will be destroyed as Mosanto, ADM, and
> Wal-Mart take over the country.
> Serbia might join the EU eventually, but EU regulations impose strict
> regulations on agricultural operations. *For example, the EU requires
> that all dairy farms have a minimum of 40 cows, which conflicts with
> Serbian herd sizes of about a dozen.
> I suspect that in about ten years all Serbian food will be produced by
> Mosanto, and become as tasteless and unhealthy as U.S. 'food.'
The Serbs have always been a people who are not worth considering. I
wouldn't fly there on your broom.