Corporate agriculture sucks...
On Oct 22, 6:49*am, "Giusi" > wrote:
> "Dänk 1010011010" *ha scritto nel messaggio
> > I'm an American who is visiting Serbia, and though it >may seem a bit
> > backwards at times, the food is >excellent.
> Well, yeah, they are only a decade or so from genetic cleansing and the US
> is 150 years past hers.
> > All food seems to be locally grown, and Serbian farms >are small>
> > independent operations, unlike the corporate >megafarms in America.
> You are having an emotional response to something you only partially
> understand. *If you want to eat locally, without chemicals and no genetic
> alteration, you can. *You just have to pay for it. *Cheap food means super
> efficiency and underpaid seasonal workers. *In other words it means the
> panoply of companies you hate.
> I don't even know the population of Serbia. *The US is over 300 million and
> the US also sells grains etc. to other countries. *It's one of the few
> things left we have to sell.
> That leaves it your decision. *Fifty nine cents a pound for chicken or three
> dollars plus? *Put your money where your mouth is.
IAWTP. The market determines what gets sold in the U.S. If enough
people - like you, apparently - buy only fresh, organic, local
products, then the corporate farms would eventually fade away. Go for