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Zeppo[_2_] Zeppo[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 449
Default Corporate agriculture sucks...

"Giusi" > wrote in message
> "Dänk 1010011010" ha scritto nel messaggio
>> I'm an American who is visiting Serbia, and though it >may seem a bit
>> backwards at times, the food is >excellent.

> Well, yeah, they are only a decade or so from genetic cleansing and the US
> is 150 years past hers.
>> All food seems to be locally grown, and Serbian farms >are small>
>> independent operations, unlike the corporate >megafarms in America.

> You are having an emotional response to something you only partially
> understand. If you want to eat locally, without chemicals and no genetic
> alteration, you can. You just have to pay for it. Cheap food means super
> efficiency and underpaid seasonal workers. In other words it means the
> panoply of companies you hate.
> I don't even know the population of Serbia. The US is over 300 million
> and the US also sells grains etc. to other countries. It's one of the few
> things left we have to sell.
> That leaves it your decision. Fifty nine cents a pound for chicken or
> three dollars plus? Put your money where your mouth is.

You're living in Italy, right? Is mega-farming evident there? Other than the
hazards of dumping toxic waste in agricultural areas is the quality of the
produce pretty good across the board?

We thought the produce at the market was excellent when there a couple of
years ago though kind of pricey. We really didn't shop any supermarkets to
compare. It's hard to get a macro view as a tourist.
