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SCP[_2_] SCP[_2_] is offline
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Default H1N1 Pork Flu Confirmed In Pigs At Minnesota State Fair

On Thu, 22 Oct 2009 12:59:52 -0500, SCP > wrote:

-->On Thu, 22 Oct 2009 11:47:09 -0500, Michel Boucher >
-->-->SCP > wrote in
-->-->> Then please tell me how we have boots on the ground then? Yes we have
-->-->> troops there, you may not be aware of this but it's a fact, nephews
-->-->> there right now on third tour. As well our JTF2 units are split
-->-->> between both Afganistan and Iraq.
-->-->There are Canadian soldiers which are on secondment to US units (and an
-->-->equal number of US soldiers in Canada) and if that US unit goes to Iraq,
-->-->they also go. About 1000 were in the initial deployment. It was
-->-->at the time. But they are not there at the direction of the Canadian
-->-->government. If Canadian units are being deployed to Iraq, someone is
-->-->against the explicit will of Parliament. Of course with piano boy,
-->-->anything is possible but I'll just assume he's not THAT stupid.
-->don't assume anything
-->-->JTF2 "does not exist", and if it did, they certainly would never tell
-->-->anyone they went to Iraq, unless someone is in breach of the Official
-->-->Secrets Act which carries with it a jail sentence of up to five years.
-->You know shit... don't embarrass yourself further.
-->Here's their website, compliments of DND...

btw... further to your education ...
read the bottom paragraph