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pure kona pure kona is offline
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Posts: 397
Default Corporate agriculture sucks...

On Thu, 22 Oct 2009 06:50:57 -0700 (PDT), Pits09
> wrote:

>As long as the BEES are not fed Monsanto chemicals
>this may help that sad place

Actually the real problem with Monsanto is not its chemicals but its
GMO seeds. Monsanto *genetically modifies the organism/seed* so it is
resistant to Round-Up or the corn worm etc.- in the case of corn. So
in America large corn acreage is planted in Monsanto seed corn. (They
grow these GMO seeds in research in places like Hawaii because of the
climate.) Then the Large American Farmer (Mr. Agribusiness) has got
to go back and buy them again from Monsanto. But the crop is easy to
grow, and these kind of farmers get the US *Aid to Farmer* money and
the whole thing is sickening except---the US now uses lots of corn
from animal food, to table food to sweetening.

I believe there was even a suit by Monsanto against a smaller corn
farmer whose corn was pollinated by this particular Monsanto seed.
Inadvertently. The idea was crazy and I don't know how it turned out.

Monsanto funds lots of research to Universities to do this work and
many Universities do not turn these research dollars, from Monsanto,
away. In our County of Hawaii, researchers wanted to study a GMO
coffee to purportedly make it caffeine free, or more disease
resistant. Well we coffee farmers said no way and our County was the
first in the US to ban the GMO as far as coffee and taro goes.

Monsanto is big bucks. Make no mistake about that.
