Thread: Tough life OT
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Dimitri Dimitri is offline
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Default Tough life OT

"Omelet" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "Dimitri" > wrote:
>> It is a tough life.
>> But someone has to push the start button on Roomba or fill Scooba.

> <lol> I've actually considered purchasing I-robots, but have not
> allocated the funds.
> Are they really worth it and do they do a good job?
> --
> Peace! Om

1. Watch woot
2. IMHO reconditioned is as good as new
3. Study the series - you want one that is "lighthouse compatible"
4. Learn to clean the brushes often .

We have 2 Roombs - 1 downstairs and 1 upstairs.
We live in a pine forest and there are some dirt roads around - it's dusty
The amount of dust it picks up is very very good it also does a job on the
dog hair we don't notice.
It goes under couches and beds as long as the clearance it OK.
We're thrilled - We have a Dyson Pet we seldom use any more
When it's done it finds its way back to it's charger home so it's almost
always ready.


Penne Rigate Autunnale