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Giusi Giusi is offline
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Default Corporate agriculture sucks...

"Zeppo" ha scritto nel messaggio
> "Giusi" wrote in message
>> "Dänk 1010011010" ha scritto nel messaggio

>>> All food seems to be locally grown, and Serbian farms >are small>
>>> independent operations, unlike the corporate >megafarms in America.

>> That leaves it your decision. Fifty nine cents a pound for chicken or
>> three dollars plus? Put your money where your mouth is.

> Guisi,
> You're living in Italy, right? Is mega-farming evident there? Other than
> the > hazards of dumping toxic waste in agricultural areas is the quality
> of the > produce pretty good across the board?

We have choice. The big supermarkets and some of the street vendors sell
produce from all the world, BUT it must be marked as to where it originated.
All the towns worthy of the name have green grocers "bio" which means

Food isn't very cheap no matter where it comes from, because fuel prices are
much higher so carting it around or even plowing costs more. I bought
special red potatoes directly from the farmer last weekend. They were one
euro ($1.50) per kilo in 5 or 10 kilo bags. That was pretty cheap.
Yesterday supermarket chicken on sale was euro 3.20 per kilo, or about $2.20
per pound. Local free range chicken at the butcher costs more-- which is
why you can buy just a little piece of it if you want to. A different
supermarket had capocollo of pork, a sort of shoulder/butt cut, for euro
3.99 a kilo. I stocked up, because here that's a good price! That's about
$3 per pound.
So I don't buy exclusively the highest end, highest quality organic because
I can't afford it, but I know what those savings cost the atmosphere and
workers, and I don't make the mistake of thinking all we have to do is kill
off Monsanto and we'll live happily everafter.