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pure kona pure kona is offline
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Posts: 397
Default Corporate agriculture sucks...

On Fri, 23 Oct 2009 19:04:12 GMT, (Derek Lyons)

>pure kona > wrote:
>>I believe there was even a suit by Monsanto against a smaller corn
>>farmer whose corn was pollinated by this particular Monsanto seed.
>>Inadvertently. The idea was crazy and I don't know how it turned out.

>He was sued because he was growing corn derived from Monsanto plants.
>He was found guilty because, though he claimed his field was
>pollinated accidentally, they found evidence that he was deliberately
>growing plants descended from those accidentally pollinated.

My intention in mentioning Monsanto and its GMO seeds is that they
have a tight hold on the market. The corn I mentioned is only one
crop, so each year you must go buy your corn seeds from Monsanto. If
it's worth it, they'll buy it, but I am speaking of huge farm lands.
We're talking agribusiness here- millions of dollars for corn or
soybeans. Not the small farmer, taking pride in his crop and trying to
do his best

As a small farmer, against GMO for many reasons, I think Monsanto
represents a large chemical company making tons of money and we small
farmers don't relay like the intrusion of modified organisms ---even
the suggestion of intrusion, to come near our prized heritage plants.
Keep that pollen far away. I guess it is simply the farmer versus the
research scientists in our case.

We're doing great and we don't anyone trying to "Improve" something
that doesn't need improving -just for $cientific sake.
