Thin Pizza Crust -- With Yeast???
Damaeus > wrote:
> Most of the thin pizza crust recipes I see call for yeast to be included.
> I wondered why. I have a recipe I use that works pretty well for a thin
> crust, but it still has that characteristic "air bubbled" texture around
> the rim, while I'm really after more of a "crackery" crust similar to
> Pizza Hut's Thin and Crispy crust. Seems like yeast would work against
> that effect.
It is unlikely to be yeast. Pizza romana has a very thin, slightly
crispy crust, yet it is made with brewer's yeast in a traditional way,
i.e. letting the dough rise, etc. The dough mix of a pizza romana
contains some oil, which is not allowed in the dough of a pizza
napoletana (which has oil just as a part of the topping), for example.
Apparently, this contributes to making the pizza slightly crispy. Also,
once you have finished manipulating the pizza, stretching it and quickly
putting on the topping(s) being the last step, it should be baked at
once. Do not let it rest for any time at all. The oven should be very
hot indeed, which a typical home oven is not. Home ovens can only be
used for pizza approximations.