Omelet > wrote in
> In article >,
> PeterL > wrote:
>> >> > <>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> BTW, in the recipe it says "2 cans tomato paste"...... is that
>> >> tomato *paste* (the *really* thick stuff used to thicken spag bol
>> >> etc) or like a tomato passata......... runny sauce type stuff?
>> >
>> > The thick stuff. Cans of tomato paste are really tiny.
>> > Guess I should check the number of oz. (or mls) on the cans and put
>> > that in the recipe!
>> >
>> > Thanks for the heads up.
>> No sweat.
>> We get the tomato paste in various sizes from approx 20ml, up to 500ml
>> and larger. 'Normal' sized can/bottle I use is 440ml-500ml.
>> We also have tubes of it.
> Czeched it out, they are the little 6 oz. cans. I'll modify the caption
> later tonight if I remember. <g> Gotta go to work here shortly. 12 hours
> overtime night shift for the week, then I'm on vacation for two weeks.
> Yay! :-)
*Everyone's* going on holidays!!!
Well......... there's you and me so far :-)
We're off in the morning....... only for a week though.
Peter Lucas
If we are not meant to eat animals,
why are they made of meat?