Feranija <feranija@net...> wrote:
>Derek Lyons wrote:
>> pure kona > wrote:
>>> I believe there was even a suit by Monsanto against a smaller corn
>>> farmer whose corn was pollinated by this particular Monsanto seed.
>>> Inadvertently. The idea was crazy and I don't know how it turned out.
>> He was sued because he was growing corn derived from Monsanto plants.
>> He was found guilty because, though he claimed his field was
>> pollinated accidentally, they found evidence that he was deliberately
>> growing plants descended from those accidentally pollinated.
>> D.
>Farmers save their seeds for the next season, of course. He was
>found guilty of that, although he never purchased Monsanto's GMO seeds.
No, he was found guily because he was _deliberately growing_ plants
descended from those accidentally pollinated, a very different matter
from saving seed. (IIRC he was growing them in his barn under grow
Touch-twice life. Eat. Drink. Laugh.
-Resolved: To be more temperate in my postings.
Oct 5th, 2004 JDL