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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default Thin Pizza Crust -- With Yeast???

Damaeus wrote:

> The only thing that irritates me about baking pizza at home is

> to brown the cheese on top. The cheese wants to try to brown

> the edges before the cheese in the middle even looks like it wants

> brown at all. And if I try to let the cheese brown in the middle,
> it'll be TOO brown around the edge. I bake on the bottom oven

> because baking in the middle seems to make the crust not as done

> the bottom. It's not raw, by any means, but I like a bit of
> brownness on the bottom. Sometimes I'll switch the broiler on and
> put the pizza on the top rack for about a minute to try to get a

> brown spots on top and sizzle away some of the liquid that might
> accumulate from the onions and green peppers.

That's exactly what I do: statr in the bottom of the oven and then
move it up to the top, close to the broiler, and it gets as browned
as I like.

> cheese a bit dryer than what you'd get from a pizzera.

> the cheese shredder attachment I got for the Kitchen-Aid stand

> is screwed up. The metal piece that goes between the shredder and

> mixer somehow became utterly stuck and I can't get it out. I

> the damned thing because I was tired of breaking the shredders
> provided with food processors, and I only got to use it about

> or four times before IT got messed up. I didn't think you could

> wrong with a Kitchen Aid attachment, but it certainly turned to

> with me.

Just dice you mozzarella with a knife, you don't need it to be so
finely cut to require a food processor.
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