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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Thin Pizza Crust -- With Yeast???

On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 04:13:38 -0500, Damaeus
> wrote:

>True. I just need/want a sauce that doesn't have a lot of wateriness to
>it that would soak into the crust and make it soggy. I tried tomato paste
>once, thinking I'd add two cans of water for each can of paste, but for
>some odd reason, no matter how much water I added, it seemed to turn into
>tomato jello very quickly. Maybe it was just a bad brand of paste.
>Normally I just open a can of tomatoes, liquefy it in the blender, then
>simmer to reduce and thicken it, maybe ad just a touch of cornstarch
>slurry to prevent that absolute wateriness to come out of it and soak into
>the crust.

I've never had a problem just spreading some tomato paste directly
from the can on thinly and I prefer it over tomato sauce. Maybe
you're using too much.

Liquefied tomatoes make tomato sauce for me... the kind you put over
pasta or in lasagne.

I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.