Is it possible?
Sky > wrote in
> sandi wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is it possible to use a larger slow cooker/crock pot with a
>> rack it in to smoke foods?
>> Just curious.
>> Thanks
> I don't know about 'smoke' but what about steam smoking -- or
> would that be smoke steaming <g>?? Something like that?
> Maybe put small/fine wood-chips along with hot water until
> covered, then top that over with the steam/rack and meat, and
> proceed as usual. Replace/refill wood-chips & water as
> needed? Might be something to try, but I think it'd required
> a very, very large crockpot! Mine is only a 1.5-quart wee
> little thing.
> Sky
Hmmmm... that's a thought.
I have 5 and 6 qt. crock pots. Wondering if heating wood chips,
maybe even covered slightly with a flavored oil, would
dry cook, or smoke something small...