Plastic containers in the freezer.
gloria.p wrote on Sun, 25 Oct 2009 17:27:19 -0600:
> James Silverton wrote:
>> Hello All!
>> Recently, discussing portion reduction, someone said that was
>> why god created screwtop plastic containers for the
>> leftovers. I've been using Ziplock screwtop containers for a while
>> but it has become apparent that there is a
>> disadvantage. The plastic becomes brittle at freezer
>> temperatures and often will break if dropped 4 or so feet
>> onto a vinyl floor. Does anyone have a recommendation for
>> containers that will survive this drop test?
> In my experience, most of them will break when frozen. DO you
> have a Tilia vacuum sealer? Their plastic bags (or ziplock
> bags) may be your solution.
Can you buy vacuum sealers any more? I went looking for one a month ago
and could not find any.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: