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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Posts: 666
Default Why SHOULDN'T you have breakfast?

Kswck wrote:

> Years ago while working as an insuance examiner I had a case where a
> SEPTA trolley had pulled out of the yard and was proceeding to its
> first destination. It came around a corner and hit a parked
> unoccupied car. Suddenly, there were 38 injured people on that
> 'empty' trolley. And all of them sued. Two different atty firms were
> indicted for insurance fraud, along with most of those people.

One thing I really envy to USA and UK is the fact that if I sue someone for
having told the false against me and ask for a compensation, if I lose the
trial I have to pay something related to what I asked. In Italy no, one
never pays if he sues with no reason and loses the trial, that's why almost
every italian famous journalist has a dozen trials open where somebody sued
him asking millions of euros in compensation for what the journalist wrote.
But on the other hand every famous italian newspaper writes lies, plain
lies, against politicians who are rival to the newspaper's property, which
is always tied to one political party or another. Lies go out in bold on the
first page while errata-corriges go out in the last pages...
Mai guardare Trailer park Boys senza
qualcosa da bere a portata di mano