making sausages without skins
Doug Freyburger wrote:
> Damaeus wrote:
>> Cindy Hamilton > posted:
>>> Damaeus > wrote:
>>>> And I think "natural
>>>> casings" are intestinal linings, aren't they? I'm opposed to eating
>>>> those.
>>> Why?
>> For the same reason I don't want to eat bladders, tendons, bone meal,
>> ears, hooves, eyeballs, noses, penises, and testicles. It just doesn't
>> sound good.
> You should watch more Anthony Bourdain and read more Otto von Bismarck.
> Given that your list sounds like the ingredients of a hot dog I suggest
> avoiding hot dogs. Chuckle/sigh.
> Sausage made without skin - Use all the same ingredients when you grind
> it just don't run it into a sausage skin when you make it. Sausage
> types like Italian and breakfast are available like that all the time
> and there's no reason to insist on using a sausage skin if you have your
> own grinder.
> Just to check, though - I've never seen a cooked/smoked/dried style of
> sausage that came without a skin. Salami, pepperoni, etc. It takes a
> lot of extra equipment to do it on a large scale and I don't know of
> anyone who does it on a small scale. Every once in a while I hear of
> someone who makes their own venison salami but so far I've never
> encountered someone who does it.
I have a friend in Arkansas who takes a one pound tube of pork sausage
meat, removes the plastic wrapper and smokes the entire thing like a
sausage log. Doesn't add anything to it... just a long session in the
smoker. It was pretty good.
George L