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Deep fryer oil
In article >,
Damaeus > wrote:
> Reading from,
> Omelet > posted:
> > In article >,
> > Damaeus > wrote:
> >
> > > One thing I do want to do is get something that I can use to strain the
> > > crumbs out of the oil so I can fry things without the little black crumb
> > > speckles getting on things like french fries. Oil won't flow through a
> > > paper towel, and I think I remember trying a dishcloth once, but that just
> > > let oil drip through slowly. I have a strainer I use for draining pasta
> > > and potatoes, but I think the screen mesh on it has holes that are too big
> > > to keep the crumbs and allow the oil to flow through.
> >
> > I use one of those re-usable fabric or metal mesh coffee filters to
> > filter the oil. Works like a charm.
> >
> > And it's washable.
> Ah, we have one of those, I think. It uses a paper coffee filter, too,
> but has a mesh screen, too, I think, for extra protection against coffee
> grounds. We just rarely ever make coffee, so I didn't even think about it
> until you brought it up.
> Damaeus
Cheers! :-)
Peace! Om
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--Steve Rothstein
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