How can I fry an egg in my stainless steel pan?
sometime in the recent past sf posted this:
> On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 09:40:23 -0400, "
> > wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 15:50:57 -0400, Wilson > wrote:
>>> sometime in the recent past maxine in ri posted this:
>>>> On Oct 26, 12:01 pm, Wilson > wrote:
>>>>> How can I get the pan to cook eggs like my first experience?
>>>> Pan on burner. Turn on burner. Add generous amount of oil. Bring to
>>>> shimmer stage. Add egg.
>>>> Works a treat in my cast iron pan every morning.
>>>> maxine in ri
>>> Yes, I too have a nice seasoned black cast iron pan which works fine with
>>> eggs. I'm just a little lazy about cleaning it and re-seasoning which is why
>>> I thought I'd try the stainless steel.
>> Why should you have to re-season it. Just remember that thr ONLY proper way to clean a
>> cast iron pan is to scrub it out using salt dampened with a little oil.
>> Never let water touch the interior of the pan.
> Oh, fer cryin out loud... that's going overboard. You can use soap
> and water on a well seasoned pan and not hurt anything.
>> A cast iron frying pan is for FRYING.
> I don't juggle with mine.
>> And if you use detergent on a cast iron pan the kitchen gods will turn their backs on
>> you for eternity
> Of course, you shouldn't put it in the dishwasher if that's what
> you're talking about.
You are right. I used to clean with salt and a paper towel, but it never
really stopped bringing up rusty looking stuff with every new sheet. One of
the reasons I got the SS pan was for omelets. The sloped sides make them
perfect for sliding out the finished omelet. But, if it sticks, it isn't
working for me.
I have a wonderfully seasoned CI frying pan that works well frying eggs. I
just want to be able to use my SS pan with the same level of performance as
when I first used it. Thanks
Wilson 44.69, -67.3