Meals you loved as a kid-and still do
On Tue, 03 Nov 2009 14:01:02 -0500, Dave Smith wrote:
> blake murphy wrote:
>>>> honestly? i would get some pain medication from your doctor, maybe even a
>>>> dreaded narcotic. continue physical therapy if you want, but it seems to
>>>> me you're cutting off a whole branch of entirely reasonable medicine.
>>> It is hard to sleep with serious pain. When I broke my collar bone I was
>>> prescribed oxycontin but they were really cheap about it. I would take
>>> one at bed time and that would help me to sleep on my back, the only
>>> position that did not hurt and that would put me out for 3-4 hours, then
>>> I would wake up in pain and take another one. With my more recent
>>> fracture (rib) the doctor said I would need something for pain relief to
>>> help me sleep. He suggested extra strength Tylenol and Ibuprophen during
>>> the day and Ibuprophen and Tylenol 3 at bed time. That happened at the
>>> end of August. It is just the last week or so that I have been sleeping
>>> through the night, and only the last two nights without any pain medication.
>> the DEA has seriously spooked doctors. i think it's a disgrace.
> Some of them needed to be spooked because they were too easily swayed to
> prescribe narcotics to people who didn't really need them, or to those
> who were more interested in getting the narcotics for recreational
> purposes or to re-sell. My doctor was not allowed to prescribe them for
> a while. From what I understand he got in trouble for over-medicating
> his sister when she was dying from cancer.
this is what i mean by 'a disgrace.' the woman is dying from cancer and
the DEA is concerned that she is 'abusing' drugs? ohnoes, she might become
an addict!!!
it's completely ****ed up.
your pal,