scottish eggs
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scottish eggs
> On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 03:38:43 -0600, "jmcquown" >
> wrote:
>> Makno wrote:
>>> I'd love to know if somebody could help me. I 'm looking for the
>>> scottish eggs recipe.
>> I do have to wonder... why on earth are you celebrating St. Andrew's
>> Night in France?
>> Jill
> Maybe because centuries ago the connections between France and
> Scotland were strong. Think,Mary, Queen of Scots, Bonnie Prince
> Charlie. Scottish princesses and princes often spent many years
> being educated at the French court.
> Sheena
The connections between ENGLAND and France were strong. Perhaps there were
many years spent at the French court, but Bonnie Prince Charlie did not
establish Scotland as a free country.
And if you read about Mary, Queen of Scots (she was also a Stuart) spent
much time in the French court. However, apparently she did not want to have
much to do with it.
Scotland is still a British province.
Be that as it may, St. Andrews Night is still a fun custom
Jill McQuown (proud Scottish American)
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