"ViLco" > wrote:
> Nick Cramer wrote:
> > Great pics, Villi. I poorly translated the text as:
> Almost fitting. If some parts are unclear to you, just ask me.
Thanks, Villi. Getting the gist of it was good enough for me.
> > What kind of charcoal, Villi? You want meatier ribs? Shoot yer own!
> > Get outfitted at: http://www.megaline.it/Default.aspx?lng=IT Prego!
> Hey that place is 12km from here
But think of those wild boars in the mountains, waiting to be eaten!
> I use "wood charcoal", aka "carbone di legna" (wood coal), like this.
> Packages:
> http://www.carbonlegno.it/x_Upload/I...23CIMG2509.JPG
> The coals:
> http://www.woodbusinessportal.it/upl...ucts/496.1.jpg
That is some good looking charcoal, ualio.
> I love beef ribs but they are so uncommone here... the ones in
> nailshooter's link are just what I find here when I ask and insist, cut
> from the part of the rib where it's almost flat. Last time I had them, in
> September, I did them on the grill and they were fantastic with just
> garlic and rosemary.
That's all they need. I eat mostly pork and chicken, sometimes BBQ'd duck.
When I go off my feed, Jun'll buy me a steak or lamb chops. Less often beef
ribs or leg or shoulder of lamb. It's been over 50 years since I had a
roasted whole baby lamb.
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