Cup #1 v cup #3 v cup #5
As a general rule the gongfu method is the only claim made by some
where subsequent cups are better. Im of the Engllish school where the
first cup is the best. Anything else is leftovers but I wouldnt say
better. Drinking from the same pot spread out over hours depends more
on biorythms than tastebuds. So name the tea and how you brewed it
that makes you think it tastes better.
On Nov 5, 2:51 pm, Prof Wonmug > wrote:
> As I continue testing various teas and brewing parameters, I have
> noticed that some teas get better after a few cups and some get worse.
> These are all from the same pot and usually consumed within a few
> hours from a glass-lined thermos.
> Can I conclude anything about the tea itself or the way I brewed it
> from this information?