Skirt steak substitute?
dsi1 wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> In article >, dsi1 >
>> wrote:
>>> Flank steak would work great but that's just my opinion. If you don't
>>> know how to prepare flank steak, you should do research first cause
>>> it can be tricky. You have to cook this piece at a high temperature
>>> yet you have to avoid overcooking. Cook it beyond med. rare and you
>>> might as well dump it but that's just my opinion. Slice the meat at a
>>> shallow angle. I like flank prepared teriyaki style although I
>>> haven't bought one in years cause it's expensive. I have no idea why
>>> it should be so pricey.
>> Because there's not much on one critter and the cut has become quite
>> popular. Supply and demand.
> You are right of course. I'd like to know is who's buying this cut and
> what are they doing with it?
Fajitas! Lots of Mexican restaurants use flank steak. Google flank
steak fajitas and you'll get a zillion links.
George L