On Nov 5, 11:31 pm, "~misfit~" >
> Somewhere on teh intarwebs aem wrote:
> > On Nov 5, 3:50 am, "~misfit~" >
> > wrote:
> >> Inerestin'. I come here to read about food and I find philosophy.
> >> <shrug> S'ok I guess, I'll survive.. [snip]
> > Why do you start your sojourn in rfc by responding to a three months-
> > old thread? Surely there's been something that interests you since
> > then..... -aem
> Because my newsreader pulled in 75 thousand old posts and I quickly scanned
> through before morking them all read. Do you have a problem with that? I
> didn't compell you to read it.
> --
Just curious. If I did have a problem it'd be mine, not yours. It
just struck me as odd to see your hello post and then to see this old
thread revived ..... Did you post a few years ago from the UK? -