Cup #1 v cup #3 v cup #5
On 05 Nov 2009 17:40:19 -0500, Lewis Perin > wrote:
>Prof Wonmug > writes:
>> As I continue testing various teas and brewing parameters, I have
>> noticed that some teas get better after a few cups and some get worse.
>> These are all from the same pot and usually consumed within a few
>> hours from a glass-lined thermos.
>> Can I conclude anything about the tea itself or the way I brewed it
>> from this information?
>Uh, maybe. Care to tell us your results?
I was hoping to get comments and opinions that were not influenced by
my "findings". A good researcher never contaminates the data
collection process by interjecting his own biases.
I would, of course, disclose any "results" for the benefit of those
who find such endeavors useful and as target practice for others. ;-)