Cup #1 v cup #3 v cup #5
On Nov 6, 2:52*pm, Lewis Perin > wrote:
> Prof Wonmug > writes:
> > On 06 Nov 2009 12:18:37 -0500, Lewis Perin > wrote:
> > >Prof Wonmug > writes:
> > >> On 05 Nov 2009 17:40:19 -0500, Lewis Perin > wrote:
> > >> >Prof Wonmug > writes:
> > >> >> As I continue testing various teas and brewing parameters, I have
> > >> >> noticed that some teas get better after a few cups and some get worse.
> > >> >> These are all from the same pot and usually consumed within a few
> > >> >> hours from a glass-lined thermos.
> > >> >> Can I conclude anything about the tea itself or the way I brewed it
> > >> >> from this information?
> > >> >Uh, maybe. *Care to tell us your results?
> > >> I was hoping to get comments and opinions that were not influenced by
> > >> my "findings". A good researcher never contaminates the data
> > >> collection process by interjecting his own biases.
> > >I asked for results, not biases.
> > Isn't it the general opinion around here that tea is a completely
> > subjective experience?
> Completely? *No.
> > If so, my "results" would be subjective and inherently biased. No?
> This reminds me of dorm room conversations from long ago. *I seem to
> remember that they bored me then, but I could be wrong about that:
> subjectivity, you know...
> /Lew
> ---
> Lew Perin /
I'm just glad that all the exasperation I've suffered wasn't isolated
to me. Is disagree-ability just fun for some folks? We're a group of
people who like tea, a lot, to the point that we've all got some sort
of disorder about it... how that can turn into anything but maybe a
spirited/passionate debate at times is beyond me. It's just freakin
tea. And most of us here just practice a sort of mental masturbation
because we already know our own likes/dislikes and those of everyone
else here for the most part. I enjoy helping others along when they
hit a confusing or confounding spot, and occasionally I glean a tip or
two or a new thought or type of tea which is the ever-so-slight
reward. How it becomes so hard at times could be a study of its own.
Why I continue to do it to myself is another topic for study.
- Dominic