In article
garden-variety dick > wrote:
> On Nov 6, 4:39*pm, Omelet > wrote:
> > In article
> > >,
> > *garden-variety dick <x.smiling > wrote:
> >
> > > I hope your health problems are not too severe. *Chronic illness is
> > > something else.
> >
> > Just chronic pain. ;-) Even with planned surgery, I can't expect more
> > than an 80% recovery of function and reduction in chronic pain. *A full
> > thickness tendon tear in the rotator cuff (supraspinatus) has been no
> > fun so far.
> >
> It would be good to have your pain eliminated by whatever. I often
> wonder, with chronic pain, how is the sleeping?
Series of naps. No real sleep. That's been the problem.
> Or is your pain being
> managed by drugs for now?
We'll see tonight if the Tramadol works when I finally get tired enough
to try sleeping again. I finally gave in and picked up a pain 'srip a
couple of hours ago.
Awake, it's not so bad. All I have to do is avoid lifting, or moving
"wrong". Sleeping is a problem as lying down puts pressure on my
shoulders and that hurts. Bad. I have actually tried sleeping sitting up.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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