Hawaiian Pineapple on Maui goes, too
On Fri, 6 Nov 2009 18:40:03 -0600, "Gregory Morrow"
> wrote:
>pure kona wrote:
>> On Fri, 06 Nov 2009 11:04:05 -0800, sf > wrote:
>Oh yeah, we discussed those shows here, there was a spate of them, e.g.
>_Pioneer House_, 1900 House_, etc., some were American shows, some were
>I believe
>> the "reality family" went into it wholeheartedly and then...were
>> anxious for the experiment to end.
>Yup, until pretty recently housework was sheer DRUDGERY...it still is, but
>it's a *lot* less dreary than in the Good Auld Daze...
>I'm only a bit over 50 but I remember as a kid the wringer washer and drying
>the wash on the line (or in the basement in the winter), if you wanted
>chicken for dinner you had to kill it yerself, a push lawnmower, Mom
>spending dreary hours mending socks, Dad stoking coal for the furnace,
>having to save up to buy a fan - a FAN, fer cripes sakes! - to mitigate the
>summer heat, etc. Stuff no one would put with today. And you go back a
>generation more and most rural peeps didn't even have electricity, many had
>no indoor plumbing, traveling even to an adjacent county was an ordeal...
>We left the farm in 1959, the parents were simply tired of having to "work
>like dogs" all the time. Dad got a good - paying factory job and Mom got a
>good full-time gov't. job, we thought we'd won the lottery and gone to
>heaven...and by previous standards we'd had.
>Yes, we are very lucky to live in 2009...the expensive luxuries of 1959 are
>commonplace today, even to the poor...someone from 1909 would think 2009
>*was* heaven...!!!
I live on a farm right now- 2009. No water except what we catch from
the roof, put into old redwood tanks, filter and pump in.(When we
bought our house 21 years ago- the bathroom was the *perfect*
addition.) We gave up the out houses really fast.) Although over the
years we've had plenty of cold water showers and the need to get clean
over rode it all. And it is Hawaii- in the sub tropic zone of the
world. So heating H2O on the stove and using it carefully wasn't
beyond us.)
We have wild chickens but I would give up chicken in a minute if I had
to do it. I'd become a vegetarian- hahaha, and buy everything at the
local store.
We still earn our living from our farm- totally.
BTW I remember when fans were a luxury and now I can buy one for $20
at Wally Mart! I love that!
Actually I love now.