In article >,
Becca > wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> > In article >,
> > blake murphy > wrote:
> >
> >
> >> On Fri, 06 Nov 2009 15:28:12 -0600, Omelet wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> well, some by-god dope would help with that.
> >>
> >> i hope you find something that works for you.
> >>
> >> your pal,
> >> blake
> >>
> >
> > I got 3 solid hours last night so am feeling a little better. 2 of them
> > have really taken the edge off. ;-)
> >
> Hopefully you can begin getting more sleep, the right pain medication
> could help. Going without sleep can just make you miserable, it is
> almost as dangerous as driving while drinking.
I know. <g> I took one more Tramadol 6 hours after the last one (50mg)
and got several hours sleep this morning. Gods knows I needed it! I
won't take anymore now until I'm ready to go back to sleep later this
> BTW, if you have any leftover medication, consider donating them to your
> doctor or pharmacist. They are now calling this drug recycling. Here
> in LA, drugs must be sealed in unopened tamper-proof packaging and
> either individually packaged or packaged in unit-dose packaging. No
> narcotics are accepted. Interfaith takes ours, they have a pharmacist
> at their clinic.
> Becca
That is a cool idea. :-) But, considering the fact that I don't plan on
having surgery until sometime in February, I've a feeling I'm going to
need what I have for awhile yet. But only at night. My doc was generous
with the refills.
Tramadol carries a heavy danger of addiction and nasty withdrawl, but it
is working. I don't really need pain control during the day as it only
really hurts if I move wrong. The problem was trying to sleep as laying
down puts pressure on the shoulders no matter what position you try to
sleep in, and that hurts.
I think if I only take one dose per day to sleep, I should be okay. The
does is 50mg and the max per day is 300. I don't see any reason to take
that much.
Peace! Om
"Human nature seems to be to control other people until they put their foot down."
--Steve Rothstein
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