100 Things Restaurant DINERS should always (never?) do
On Nov 2, 8:04*pm, Wayne Boatwright >
> On Mon 02 Nov 2009 06:55:16p, Becca told us...
> > brooklyn1 wrote:
> >> Don't blame me... I haven't watched a baseball game since the Bums
> >> left Brooklyn. *And just to prove I don't know everything, I never
> >> watch any ball games, I know nothing about team sports... why any
> >> normal person would pay good money to watch infants in adult bodies
> >> running about hither and yon on a grassy field chasing a friggin' ball
> >> is way beyond my comprehension... none of those muscle bound steroid
> >> slurping retards can out perform a forty pound mutt with a frisbee.
> > Sports are not my thing, either. *BTW, you did not mention basketball,
> > which can only be played by genetic mutants who reach almost 7' in
> height.
> > Becca
> This is one time I totally agree with Sheldon. :-)
Sports is the opium of the people.
> * * * * * * * * * * *Wayne Boatwright