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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Whole Chicken ideas?

ChattyCathy wrote:
>aem wrote:
>> "cshenk" wrote:
>>> Hi, I have a whole chicken, 2.5 lbs.

>> That chicken is too small for roasting, imho,

>I disagree.

It's certainly large enough to roast, but too small to feed a hungry
family... a boid that size will barely produce one pound of edible
meat, not really enough for me and my cats. And it's hardly worth
lighting an oven, preping, tending, and cleaning up for one tiny
chicken. I'd spit two, probably three of those widdle chickadees and
roast em with my Weber rotisserie. I can't remember ever cooking just
one chicken that size... I wouldn't light my stove oven or my Weber
grill for less than a 6-7 pound roaster... I don't cook anything that
requires more than a half hour that doesn't produce enough for at
least two generous meals... roasting just that one tiny chicken is
like baking just two cupcakes. Before I'd bother roasting that one
measly bird I'd drive to the deli and buy one already bbq'ed for like
$3.50, and since I made the trip I'd buy two... and a pound of tater
salad, a pound of slaw, a pound of salty black olives and a suitcase
of cold ones... oh, gee, gimme a quart of rice pudding too. So whose
table would yoose rather share, my cornucopia or miserly cshenk's
where folks gotta count every bite so the kids don't go to bed hungry.

To be perfectly honest I'd be embarrassed to go through the check out
with just that one tiny chicken... just as I do for those folks who go
to the deli and order just a 1/4 pound of bologna, and if it's a tenth
of an ounce over make the clerk take a slice off. I always order cold
cuts by the full pound, and never yet had a clerk take off a slice or
even more because it was over. How many of yoose foodie types make
the clerk remove the overage, be honest now, I know at least half of
yoose do.

Last time I was at the deli, a couple weeks ago, a customer before me
was a 60 year old JAP dressed to the nines trying to look 30. Now I
always pay attention at food counters, and I distinctly heard her say
1/4 pound of turkey "sliced thick", so did the clerk because she
doubled checked by repeating in a perfectly clear voice "sliced
thick?", the JAP grunted. The JAP was watching the clerk slice just
as I was and just as the clerk was slipping the turkey into the
plastic zip-loc the JAP pipes up with didn't you hear me say "sliced
thin?". The clerk looked all befuddled, and put the turkey to the
side and redid it. Don't those morons realize that eveyone pays for
that waste.