Will Yardley > writes:
> On 2009-11-07, george tasman > wrote:
> > Space C hasn't provided a useful or interesting input in the month
> > I've been logging on. He's a dogmatic blowhard.
> So killfile the folks who you find annoying. You will find that group is
> considerably less annoying that way.
> But I agree that there hasn't been much in the way of interesting or
> useful discussion on this newsgroup for quite a while. Most of the
> people who know what they're talking about seem to have moved to
> teachat, the Livejournal puerh_tea community, or elsewhere.
The LJ Pu'er community's been torpid lately. This happens a lot with
Net communities, and not only those concerned with tea, of course.
It's a little like slash-and-burn agriculture; one difference is that
the namespace of Net communities, unlike land, is a limitless
resource, so people feel no need to return after a few years. Another
difference, especially with RSS, is that you don't have to choose one
plot to till.
If I were a sociology grad student, I might try to study how people
migrate in cyberspace.
Lew Perin /