Whole Chicken ideas?
sf wrote:
> On Sun, 8 Nov 2009 09:15:13 -0800 (PST), aem >
> wrote:
>> That chicken is too small for roasting, imho, but a good candidate for
>> spatchcocking and grilling.
> I would call that a generous bird. It's next to impossible to find
> anything with a 3 as the first number sold whole at my grocery stores.
> I'd just put seasonings on the skin and roast it on a vertical
> roaster, but that's me.
I like to buy chicken at a particular local family run grocery store
because they almost always have small chickens, just enough for a good
feed for two. I can do them on the rotisserie or with the method I
mentioned in another post. Count on a half chicken per person. There
are only two of us here, so it works great for us.