Recipe Database Software
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Recipe Database Software
On Mon, 09 Nov 2009 11:12:50 GMT,
>In article >, Will@Blaylock wrote:
>>On Wed, 04 Nov 2009 13:26:29 -0500, Bob Muncie >
>>FWIW I just imported my mealmaster text export (all combined into one
>>huge text file) on two different machines. Nice round figures 35
>>thousand recipes. [snip]
>How many have you tried? (How many will you *ever* try?)
Since many of them were the collections of restaurants I worked for,
and others are friends collections.
Surprisingly many have been cooked by me, thus tasted at minimum,
again a surprising number have been eaten when the friend cooked it.
Another large contingent are from a "self catering" business I was
involved with where we supplied the ingredients and recipes and the
end client cooked it up and put it all together, with the ability to
call for help if needed. (I wish we had the idea to do the "my
girlfriends kitchen" ~20 years ago when we did our little thing).
I suspect many more were gathered in the little game I used to play
when traveling... I would take some of my recipes on 4x5 cards and
always carried a pad of paper... then I would eat in a restaurant and
trade with the chef for a recipe just to add it to my collection. At
one time I had "secret" recipes before many chef's wrote cookbooks
containing those secrets LOL.
The mousse on my blog is a prime example of one of the more popular
outgoing recipes.
Unless the recipe contains citrus as I am allergic and have had
anaphylaxis over it twice. Small amounts of some fruits like lemons
and oranges I can take, grapefruit are evil and sadly my favorites as
a child when I didn't care if I felt a little funny after eating
These days I mostly use the collection for ideas, or to help someone
out who is a fellow foodie "Will do you know how to make ____" "not
off hand but I will find out" etc.
I have no idea how many recipes came from where and no simple way to
find out at this point in the game (and only then if my antique
windows machine will boot and cooperate would I be able to get valid
Let be conservative and say that I have tasted maybe 5% but I suspect
closer to 10% since a quick wild card search of my GRM collection
shows nearly two thousand from the six restaurants (I am sure some are
not related hits from similar names, sure some do not have notes,
etc.) another 150 in my personal collection, and ~500 each for two
friends known to be by far the largest contributors. So I have ~3000
I have probably been in the same room as at least once.
P.S. to the geekier among you this is one of the advantages to Gourmet
Recipe Manager... it uses a "real" database engine which one addresses
in SQL and using one of the real SQL interfaces one can do cool
searches like ::select count(`id`) from `database` where `notes` like
'%restaurant name%' or `notes`like '%other restaurant name%':: and get
a count of the number of recipes containing either of those names in
the notes field... and on that note I will stop geeking up the food
group for today LOL.
>Cheers, Phred.
Actual email is 'wblalok .at. xmission .dot. com' to reply
holds my food blog, feel free to throw tomatoes
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