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Richard Tobin Richard Tobin is offline
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Posts: 22
Default Cafe Vegetaria, Edinburgh 1911

In article >,
Jack Campin - bogus address > wrote:

>It seems logical that that was a vegetarian cafe. But Hendersons
>(Edinburgh's longest-running vegetarian eatery) claims to have
>been the first, in 1963. Looks like they were wrong by 50 years.
>Anybody know anything about the Cafe Vegetaria? Was there a
>widespread vegetarian movement before WW1 that produced similar
>establishments elsewhere?

It's mentioned 29 times in the Scotsman, all between 1909 and 1912.
From the examples I looked at it seems to have been a common venue
for radical meetings incluing the Fabian Society. There's also
a report of a wedding there.

On October 22 1912 there is a report that the annual business meeting
of the Edinburgh Vegetarian Society was held there - apparently quite
a large organisation since it had a committee of 16 members. The
secretary of the London Vegetarian Association also gave a talk there
including "the history of the children's dinner movement started by
the London Vegetarian Association".

Its address was 3 Nicolson Street.

-- Richard
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